
Have you ever noticed you have hunger cravings when you really shouldn’t?

Maybe you’ve had all the calories and nutrients you need for the day, but you’re still dealing with the urge to snack? Here are a few of the reasons why you’re feeling that false sense of hunger.

1. Boredom

Food provides us with something to focus on, and a way to keep ourselves busy. Because of this, it’s easy to head to the kitchen when we’re bored. We feel like we’re killing hunger, but we’re really killing time. This is especially easy to do when our normal diet doesn’t truly fill us up properly.

2. Dehydration

Even if you eat a lot of food, you may still feel a craving — but it isn’t always for more calories. Sometimes a feeling of dehydration can be mistaken for hunger. It’s important to drink enough water each day. This is because it helps with digestion and nutrient absorption, which contributes to a feeling of fullness.

3. Excess Sugar

Sugar has a relationship to hydration, as it does to many aspects of our well-being. Sometimes eating too much sugar can put our bodies in a mode to crave more of it, which can lead to binge snacking. Especially when it’s done on sugary treats, this can be destructive. Try healthier options instead.

4. Stress

Finally, stress can cause us to overeat. Food can form a habit like smoking or drinking, where we lean on it as a means of relieving anxiety. But by learning to nurture our mental health in other ways, we can improve our overall sense of wellness.

Don’t be stressed if you feel hunger cravings when you shouldn’t, or if you overeat. We all do it from time to time. Remember to work with your doctor, nutritionist, or trainer to build healthy habits, and bookmark us for more content like this. You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter.