
You’re not you when you’re hangry — yes, you read that right.

Hangry represents a unique combination of sensation and emotion, body and mind. Essentially it sees you feeling angry due to being hungry, though it’s much more complex than that.

This phenomenon is often based around a lack of glucose, which is what your brain uses to function. The result is a situation where you feel depleted, snappy, confused, and generally unpleasant.

Sometimes you want to sleep, sometimes you want to bicker, and other times you just want to eat. But it’s not just about getting calories in your system. You need to get them from the right sources. And while some people see glucose and automatically think sugar, this isn’t the perfect solution either.

Sugar from foods like desserts and soft drinks may provide a temporary energy burst. But it will come with a crash afterward — along with other symptoms like risks for tooth decay, diabetes, and more.

Instead, consider healthy sources of glucose or foods that are rich in carbohydrates such as dried fruits, sweet corn, and fruit juice. You can also get carbs from meal shakes, which should not be substituted for food, but can level out your glucose intake.

As always, review your food choices with your nutritionist, trainer, or doctor to find the perfect glucose intake for you. Remember your mind works hard, and needs adequate fuel to function.

When you’re hangry, life is rough — but once you get filled up and chilled out, you’ll be doing much better. For more wellness content, follow our blog.
