The Unsweet Truth

Tag Brain Function

New Study Highlights the Benefits of Mild Exercise for Seniors

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Here at the Council for Retirement Security, we’re all about promoting a healthy lifestyle. Seniors especially should be focused on maintaining their health. We’ve previously discussed some of the many myths about exercise — one of which being that you… Continue Reading →

How Seniors Can Ease Into a Healthier Lifestyle

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It was Mark Twain who said, “Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.” Especially when it comes to our health, it’s easy to delay picking up good habits. Once retirement rolls around, it’s common for seniors to have a revelation… Continue Reading →

Are You ‘Hangry?’ What it is, and Why Sugar isn’t the Solution

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You’re not you when you’re hangry — yes, you read that right. Hangry represents a unique combination of sensation and emotion, body and mind. Essentially it sees you feeling angry due to being hungry, though it’s much more complex than… Continue Reading →

Drink Up to Celebrate National Hydration Day

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It’s National Hydration Day, and we can drink to that! Water is the fuel of life, and it’s often underappreciated in conversations about health and wellness. Readers of our blog will know that we’ve touched on this topic before. However,… Continue Reading →

Celebrate National Play Outside Day to Get Healthy Together

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Here at the Council for Retirement Security, we take pride in helping our seniors get healthier — and what better way to do this than with National Play Outside Day? This occasion brings together some of the best things in… Continue Reading →

The Connections Between Physical and Mental Health

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When we talk about physical and mental health, we’re talking about two topics — or are we? It’s true that there are different techniques for each of these aims. But there’s something that is often neglected in these conversations. The… Continue Reading →

3 Simple Diet and Exercise Tips for a Healthier Lifestyle

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If you want to maintain a healthier lifestyle, there are many ways to go about it. Often, it’s the small and consistent improvements we make that bring the biggest results. Here are a few ways you can eat, exercise, and… Continue Reading →

Why Reading is One of the Best Hobbies for Seniors

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Of all the healthy hobbies for seniors, reading could be the most underrated. Mental health is a massive part of overall wellness. When you take time to dive deep into a book weekly or even daily, you’re unlocking some serious… Continue Reading →

Senior Self-Care Tips for a Healthier Life

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Life changes as we get older — and this makes senior self-care a very important matter. Many older adults focus their energy in various areas. They care for multiple generations of family, and work one or multiple jobs. But as… Continue Reading →

3 Factors for Longer Healthy Living

Longer Healthy Living is possible for every senior by making some small lifestyle adjustments and prioritizing these three factors.

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